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Fiona Hearn

  • Preschool Children: Intellectual Disability, Autistic Spectrum Disorder,
    Communication Disorders
  • Primary & Intermediate Children: Intellectual Disability
  • Adult: Mental Health
  • Supervision & Training
Lower Hutt

I have worked as a Registered Music Therapist since 2006, and am passionate about helping children and adults reach their potential and express themselves through music.

I have worked predominantly in the fields of early intervention with families who have preschool children with disabilities or developmental delays, with school aged children with learning needs and in community-based mental health settings with adults.

I love building strong relationships with my clients and using the gift of music to help them achieve their goals. As a mother of two school aged children, I am passionate about supporting families.

As well as seeking to continually grow my knowledge and skills through professional development, I am an experienced supervisor of music therapy students and Registered Music Therapists.

“Fiona is a fantastic Music Therapist. She has built strong relationships with the participants and the team at our centre. All those who have been involved in her sessions highly enjoy them, and often speak about the impact of the sessions.”
General Manager of a community mental health centre


Hearn, F. (2019). [Review of the book The Oxford handbook of music therapy, edited by J. Edwards.] New Zealand Journal of Music Therapy, 17, 47-49.

    • Hearn, F. (2018). [Review of the book Engaging in community music: An introduction, by L. Higgins, & L. Willingham.] New Zealand Journal of Music Therapy, 16, 153-156.

    • Hearn, F. (2017). [Review of the book Music: A social experience, by K. Salhi.] New Zealand Journal of Music Therapy, 15, 139-141.

    • Shaw, F. (2006). Triadic improvisations: Developing communication skills. New Zealand Journal of Music Therapy, 4, 46-63.



  • Bachelor of Music (Performance in Classical Violin) Massey University, 2001
  • Master of Music Therapy, Victoria University of Wellington, 2005