New Zealand Journal of Music Therapy 22 (2024)
Published February 2025. A print edition has been posted to MThNZ members.
Looking Back, Reflecting, Moving Forward
Emily Langlois Hunt & Hyunah Cho 조현아
Following MThNZ’s 50th Anniversary Conference, our Editorial reflects on the NZJMT’s role in advancing music therapy practice in New Zealand. Looking back, we acknowledge the work of past editors and authors. As the journal moves forward, it remains a key point of reflection to guide the development of the profession…
Download Editorial as pdf or docx.
Theses and Publications Alert
Editorial Team
Co-Editors: Emily Langlois Hunt & Hyunah Cho 조현아
Image Accessibility Adviser:
Áine Kelly-Costello
NZJMT Advisory Group (2024):
May Bee Choo Clulee 吳美珠
Alison Talmage
Carolyn Shaw
Statements of fact and opinion in articles published by NZJMT are those of the respective authors and contributors to the journal, and not those of NZJMT or Music Therapy New Zealand. Neither NZJMT nor MThNZ can accept legal responsibility or liability for errors or omissions that may be made. Readers should make their own evaluation of the appropriateness of any research and practice methods described.
Privacy Notice:
The journal is published in good faith. Inquiries (including take-down notices) should be sent to the Music Therapy New Zealand Executive Officer:
Professional Practice & Research
Professional practice and research articles are anonymously reviewed by two (occasionally three) peer reviewers.
The Role of Music Therapist Composed Song Recordings in Supporting Families to Independently Use Music with Preschool Children with Complex Needs: A Case Study
Ajay Castelino
Abstract: This case study presents the journey of a family in using pre-composed song recordings to support their independent therapeutic use of music with their preschool child with complex needs. Nine music therapy sessions were offered at the family’s home over eight months. A seven song album of songs composed and recorded by the music therapist was offered to the family to support their engagement with their child…
“Where are you from?” Navigating Oppression, Power
and Privilege in Music Therapy Spaces: A Critical
Autoethnography Exploring Intersectional Identities
TJ Hernandez
Abstract: This research explored a second-generation, New Zealand born Filipino music therapy student’s experience using a critical auto-ethnography to explore their intersectional identities while on placement in aged-care settings. Using a thematic analysis, four themes emerged: 1) Locating the self; 2) connection in and around therapeutic interactions; 3) dissonance in and around therapeutic interactions; 4) restorative practices…
Book Reviews
Art Therapies in International Practice: Informed by
Neuroscience and Research (2022)
Edited by Caroline Miller and Mariana Torkington (Routledge)
Reviewer: Renata Kuswanto
Overall, I would recommend this book for all art therapy professionals and other allied health professionals or educators who are seeking noninvasive therapeutic approaches in mental health, neurologic conditions and acquired neuro-rehabilitation settings. This volume invites collaboration between art therapy professionals in neuroscience-informed multi-disciplinary projects, with its diverse multi-theoretical approach…
Disseminating your Action Research: A Practical Guide to Sharing the Results of Practitioner Research (2024)
By Craig A. Mertler (Routledge)
Reviewer: Alison Talmage
This book provides a helpful introduction to different forms of dissemination. I recommend it to all music therapists, particularly novice presenters and authors, as well as to tertiary educators supporting emerging practitioners and writers…