Journal 2018
Related audio file: Swaney 2018 Tired of being.mp3
Maharani Allan
Community Music Therapy to Support the Relationship between Family Carers and People Living with Dementia: A Pilot Project
Joan Webster & Daphne Rickson
Selecting the Best Music for Patient Listening while Unwell: A Music Therapist’s Personal Experience
Inaugural Morva Croxson Prize (2017)
Student Articles
Emma Johnson & Daphne Rickson
Songwriting with Adolescents who have Mental Health Difficulties: One Music Therapy Student’s Experience
Book Reviews
Caroline Miller
Molyneux, C. (Ed.). (2017). Only Connect: Poems and Stories from New Zealand Music Therapy. Nelson, NZ: Mountain Girl Publishing.
Molyneux, C. (Ed.). (2018). Tales from the Music Therapy Room: Creative Connections. London, England: Jessica Kingsley Publishers.
Oliver E. L. Lowery
Polen, D. W., Shultis, C. L., & Wheeler, B. L. (2017). Clinical Training Guide for the Student Music Therapist (2nd ed.). Dallas, TX: Barcelona Publishers.
Alison Talmage
Moreno, J. J. (2017). The Lives of Music Therapists: Profiles in Creativity, Volume 1. Dallas, TX: Barcelona Publishers.