Harmony through Collaboration: An Accessible Concert Project

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Megan Berentson-Glass
BMus (Hons), GDipMusTh, NZ RMTh
Mahinawa Specialist School, Porirua


Keywords: Collaboration, community music therapy, community musician, special education, accessible concert.


This report details the process and outcomes of an accessible concert project which took place in New Zealand in 2015. The project was a creative partnership between a number of organisations, which culminated in students at a local specialist school participating in a daytime concert held in the performing arts venue at a local art gallery and museum. The accessible concert and some of the workshops were filmed, the purpose is to create a video showcasing the potential of collaborative arts projects in the community. This film and a number of photographs are widely available on social media (links to which are included with this report); therefore, information about settings and people involved already exists in the public domain.

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