Music Therapy Week 10 – 15 April 2025 Meaningful Moments in Music Therapy: Celebrating Diverse Communities across Aotearoa
April 10 - April 15

Thanks to this years MTW working group Leesa, Ella, Sinead, Pip, Matt and Sarah (EO) who have been hard at work in the background lining things up for this year’s programme.
The group has chosen an inspirational theme for MTW 2025, Meaningful Moments in Music Therapy: Celebrating Diverse Communities across Aotearoa. Thanks to the team at Elephant Publicity, we have a media release which you can read here. We have a branded poster, social media stamp and email sig that you can use in your communications to help get the word out about MTW.
Please keep sending in your ideas for events and plans for MTW 2025 to info@musictherapy.org.nz the earlier the better to give us time for promotions. Lots of you have generously offered to take part in media events this year. All event information and media events that we know about will be posted on the website and social media.py NZ,