Members Area
The Music Therapy New Zealand (MThNZ) online forum is available to MThNZ members only.
Please contact the administrator in the first instance if you have any difficulties with login.
Members of our online forum enjoy access to the following information:
- Activities of MThNZ Council
- Special Interest Groups
- Courses, Workshops, Seminars and other Events
- Resources
- Historical documents and information
- The New Zealand Journal of Music Therapy
Registered Music Therapist and Student MThNZ members also enjoy access to music therapy related resources, Registration Board information and job vacancies.
In addition there is the opportunity to network with other MThNZ members around the country etc.
Registered Music Therapist (RMTh) $130
Registered Music Therapist Part-time (RMTh-PT) $95
Registered Music Therapist Non- Practicing (RMTh-NP) $65
Student (St) $5
Friend $65
Corporate (e.g.: school, library, other) $200
New Graduate $50
If you are a MThNZ member, you are eligible to register for the Forum once your membership to Music Therapy New Zealand has been confirmed.
If you would like to register, please contact the administrator for assistance.
For more detail on membership click here.