NZJMT is an annual, online, open access journal  for music therapists, students, and allied professionals interested in music therapy. A print edition is also provided for MThNZ members, and the journal is available via the EBSCO, RILM and Informit databases.

Download the NZJMT Guidelines.

ISSN 1176-3264  (Print)
ISSN 2744-631X (Online)

Journal Policy

NZJMT is a peer-reviewed, online, open access, scholarly journal, published annually by Music Therapy New Zealand (MThNZ) for music therapists, students, allied professionals, and others interested in music therapy. The journal’s purpose is to raise awareness of music therapy and related approaches in the wider community, and to extend the knowledge and understanding of music therapists. The journal was established in 2003, and replaced the previous (non-peer reviewed) Annual Journal of the New Zealand Society of Music Therapy.

The journal promotes the values of Music Therapy New Zealand:

  • Life / Ora: Promoting and working towards sustainability and a balanced, overall wellbeing;
  • Reciprocity / Whanaungatanga: Fostering relationships that are connected, reciprocal and inclusive;
  • Creativity / Auahatanga: Celebrating our diversity, passion, spark and vitality; and
  • Professionalism / Te Taumata: Supporting and advocating for the highest quality, evidenced based ethical practice with integrity and confidence.

Authors and reviewers are asked to consider the relevance of their work to contemporary music therapy practice in Aotearoa New Zealand. The journal publishes only original material, except where reprint rights have been sought for an article of particular relevance to music therapy practice here. Articles declined by the journal may be recommended for publication elsewhere, e.g. Music Therapy New Zealand’s MusT newsletter.

No payment is made to or by authors or reviewers. Music Therapy New Zealand offers an honorarium to members of the editorial team and some advisers.

The journal will consider a wide variety of submissions, including (but not limited to): practice-based, research, theoretical or case study articles about music therapy; less formal, practice-based or autobiographical articles for the Community Voices section; interviews; arts-based elements; Morva Croxson Prize winning articles; student contributions; relevant articles about related fields or allied professions, if clearly relevant to music therapy practice; book and resource reviews; and other items at the discretion of the editorial team. 

Morva Croxson Prize for Emerging Writers

The Morva Croxson Prize acknowledges the lifetime achievement of one of our foremost pioneers of music  therapy in Aotearoa New Zealand.

Morva Croxson Prize Winners
2017  Nolan Hodgson, Olly Lowery
2019  Hazel Barrett, Emily Langlois Hunt
2020 Elizabeth Langham

Editorial Team

Emily Langlois Hunt and Hyunah Cho 조현아


Outgoing Assistant Editor
May Bee Choo Clulee 吳美珠

Journal Guidelines

Download the NZJMT Guidelines
Authors and reviewers are asked to read and refer to these guidelines before submitting articles, book/resource reviews, and peer reviews. The Guidelines explain our transparent but confidential submission, review, and editorial processes. Note, referencing should follow the APA 7th edition. Please include a Cover Sheet with all article and book/resource review submissions.

The journal includes a wide range of practice-based, research, and theoretical articles. The editorial team consider all submissions, and may offer preliminary suggestions before agreeing to send articles for review. We recommend that aspiring authors refer to past issues of the journal (but note APA 7th edition citation guidelines).

Submission Date:
Our preferred submission date is April 1st, to allow time for review, revisions, and editorial work prior to publication (if accepted) in December. Authors may negotiate an alternative date by contacting the editor. The editorial team will also consider publishing selected content “early online” prior to publication of the full issue.

Peer Review
A robust, anonymous, peer review process provides authors and the editorial team with feedback and suggestions. An open review process is considered for some less formal Community Voices articles.

Book/Resource Reviews
NZJMT also publishes book / resource reviews. The editorial team welcome complimentary review copies from authors/publishers and suggestions from potential reviewers. The Assistant Editor manages book/resource reviews and submission dates.