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Persons of Note

Life Members
Sir Roy McKenzie – 1981
Sir Roy McKenzie was impressed by Mary Edward’s music work in Auckland, became the major donor to Music Therapy via cash and Rangatira Ltd shares, and endowed six McKenzie scholarships for overseas Music Therapy training. He was a central, much respected mentor figure in Music Therapy development.
Gendie Jury (Solloway) – 1986
Gendie Jury (was Solloway) had worked with music in an Auckland area school (Oaklynn Special School) for children with special needs when she became involved with NZSMT. Over many years she developed “Take Note” a card-based resource which cued children interactively with sound and speech; this was developed further in Singapore where she was invited to work.
Arthur Fieldhouse – 1989
Arthur Fieldhouse, Professor of Education at Victoria University, was also a musician with early career interests in children with special needs. A wise and thoughtful man, he steered Music Therapy in areas where there was little experience, particularly in course development.
R S V (Dick) Simpson – 1992
R.S.V. (Dick) Simpson, senior lawyer at Bell Gully in Wellington and friend of Mary Lindgren, was Chancellor of Victoria University, and central in initial shaping of the NZSMT as a charitable body in 1974.
Judith White – 1993
Judith White, early pioneer in Music Therapy and at the inaugural meeting of NZSMT, lectured in music at Wellington Teachers College, and was also a potter. She was a great inspiration for Music Therapists.
Anne O’Rourke – 1995
Anne O’Rourke, a senior Education Department person, led research, with Mary Brooks, into hospice care and Music Therapy with the elderly. She also was an excellent editor, and staunch advocate for Music Therapy.
Morva Croxson – 1999
Morva Croxson, a qualified Music Therapist, Guildhall-trained, was experienced in governance and strategy matters and filled many roles over a wide span of years. She also taught in the early days of the Master of Music Therapy course in Wellington.
Joan Stevens – 2004
Joan Stevens was the first Music Therapist to qualify then practice in NZ. She studied at the Guildhall in London. Working in the Correspondence School, she was a gifted composer of songs for children.
Barbara Mabbett – 2005
Barbara Mabbett had a career in teaching before joining the Department of Education Resources Division, responsible for print, audio and visual materials for teachers and students at all levels. She edited the NZ Music Therapy Journal, and was an excellent policy and strategy thinker and writer.
Puoho Katene – 2005
Puoho Katene, Ngati Toa, Ngati Tama, as the first kamatua for Music Therapy encouraged a much-needed awareness of tikanga Maori. He was a composer and director for choral music and music education and with his timely sensitive advice and actions was most valuable.
Millicent McIvor – 2007
Millicent McIvor, an early NZ trained Music Therapy, after full consultation with Maori people, wrote valuable articles about Maori music.
Marjorie Orchiston – 2010
Marjorie Orchiston used music therapeutically and effectively from a strong music background. She worked particularly with the elderly and produced musical material in that field.
Daphne Rickson – 2013
Daphne Rickson, NZ trained, became a leading researcher in Music Therapy, was the first NZ Ph.D in the field and has lectured from early days at the Master of Music Therapy course in Wellington.
Judy Field – 2013
Judy Field, a secondary school teacher from Inglewood with a National Teaching Award, had been on many early Music Therapy courses, and was a staunch advocate for Music Therapy training, practice and research.
Joan Webster – 2014
Joan Webster, Christchurch-based, particularly at Templeton Hospital, was an early New Zealand-trained Music Therapist. She developed music material for use in the intellectual disability area.

President Emeriti

Mary Lindgren

Arthur Fieldhouse

Judith White

Morva Croxson

Daphne Rickson

Heather Fletcher
