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A Message from the MThNZ Aotearoa Special Interest Group

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Mōrena koutou,
On behalf of the Music Therapy NZ Crisis Intervention group (ACI) I would like to extend thoughts of support and aroha to those of you who (with your families and communities) are being affected by the recent and current overwhelming weather events around the motu.
We understand that for many, issues around this crisis will be long term in resolution.
We would like to offer support if we can (this is the purpose of our ACI group). Please contact us if you think we could be helpful in any way, whether practical (e.g. assisting in finding/setting up new space for your practice, replacing lost resources, instruments etc) or simply for someone to talk to.
For assistance, you can contact me on this email address (or phone 021 02382899) or our administrator Shari Storie on
We wish you all strength for the days ahead.
Noho ora mai,
Helen Ridley (Acting Chair, ACI Special Interest Group)