(Image: Blue background, MThNZ Logo text says ‘Aotearoa Crisis Intervention Team)
‘Dear Music Therapy Community
Our aroha goes out to all music therapists and their clients affected by current and recent severe flooding events – those who are experiencing the immediate effects, and those who are already engaged in the long secondary process of cleaning up and re-building.
The World Federation of Music Therapists (WFMT) also sends you messages of support and offers of help in any way they can.
This email is to remind you that the Aotearoa Crisis Intervention Group (ACI) SIG of MThNZ has some funds available specifically for such community crises, to help music therapists to address immediate needs and/or sustain their own practice and self-care throughout the crisis period and in the wake of recovery (for example, you may need help with relocating and renting an alternative practice space, borrow destroyed resources, re-organise transport, set up a specific music therapist peer supervision group etc.).
You may also see an opportunity for setting up a small community project (such as a community singing group or therapeutic music event) that you think will assist in strengthening a specific community in a trauma context.
If you would like some help, or even just to discuss ideas, please contact the ACI team through our administrator Shari (at aci_admin@musictherapy.org.nz.) or Helen Ridley (Acting Chair of ACI) at helenridley3@gmail.com, or leave an email message and contact for Helen Ridley on 021 023 82899.
Meanwhile, stay safe and well.
Ngā mihi
The ACI team