Katie Pureti
- Preschool children trauma, disabilities
- Primary school aged tamariki mental health, disabilities
- Rangatahi mental health
- Trauma
- Community music therapy
Available for consultation
Katie Pureti, Executive Director of Mauri Tui Tuia, is a Registered Music Therapist based in Whangārei, Tai Tokerau. Katie spent five years as founder and director of Shoeless, a charity and advocacy organisation supporting rural schools in Cambodia. After teaching music in tertiary, secondary and primary education, she completed her Master of Music Therapy (first class honours) at Victoria University. Since then, Katie has been a Regional Centre Manager for Raukatauri Music Therapy Trust, providing therapy for children and adults with trauma, disabilities, and mental health needs, served as a Council Member for Music Therapy New Zealand, and presents at conferences, schools, and organisations across New Zealand. Her interests lie in supporting sustainable change and wellbeing for tamariki, rangatahi, communities, schools, early childhood centres and whānau, especially those affected by trauma.
Katie Pureti NZ RMTh
Master of Music Therapy (first class honours) – Victoria University of Wellington (2016)
Bachelor of Music – ATC New Zealand (2011)
Associate Diploma – Recital in Singing (2010)